Narendra Modi may have done wonders for Gujarat But is he worth the leading our nation?
- Narendra is after all an individual who would be contesting for one or two seats during upcoming General Elections. He surely can't be a candidate for every parliament-seat in this country. The way his party is projecting him and only him, makes me think if there is no other face in this right wing political party that is worth leading us or even worth being discussed? The prime-ministerial candidate can not be the only issue for me to vote for. The local representatives of party must also be alive and active so that I can chose someone out of them. This is not the presidential election in USA where your votes might directly decide the leader of the country. We have already once paid price for voting for an identity, Soniya Gandhi. In the 2003 elections she was projected as sure prime ministerial candidate but whatever happened thereafter was like cheating the voters who voted for her term as prime minister.
- The country went through a lot during last five years. We saw all kinds of corruption issues, agitations, neglected reforms, encroaching neighbors and above all economic slow down. There are a lot more such important issues that one needs answers for but unfortunately Narendra Modi's divergent strategies are making all these issues secondary to his aura. We know that the political parties in India have not stood up for anything all this while and therefore the non-existent issue of Hinduism was tossed up. They can't afford to talk about real issues so they created issues. I won't put entire blame solely on BJP for such irrelevant politics, the statements that were issued by our Home minister and other men in power were also deliberately directed so as to facilitate this diversion. Our Home minister coined new terms like saffron terrorism and unfair targeting of minorities just to make sure he won't have to talk about his own government's performance for last five years. Conclusion- We don't bother about who our prime ministerial candidate is, but we are more worried about the issues that should be raised for somewhat relevant elections.
- Narendra Modi comes out of a state that experienced hell. The 2002 earth quake was one of the biggest tragedies that Humanity suffered at the beginning of this century. No doubt Narendra has done some good work in rehabilitation of the devastated society but we have to remember the riots as well. I am no one to blame him for whatever happened. But as a chosen leader of that state one expected him to answer a few questions. Narendra Modi should name the culprits of the massacre (and should already have delivered justice by putting them behind the bars but...) . He should have clarified his position on his alleged role in all this. Till date there is no conclusion to the matter and news-stories about investigation being hampered and tempered with keep coming out of Gujarat. His interference with state Governor's appointment and functioning and his poor Jan-Lokpal bill give the wrong signals about his political thoughts regarding reforms. If BJP wants the voters to overlook one or two mistake of its supreme leader still the fact that all the success that Narendra has is linked to one state out of 28 states and 7 union territories is an issue. How well and how widely the other parts of our country know and follow Modi type politics still remains unanswered. Narendra has traveled to a few election rallies outside his state and the results don't seem encouraging for him at the national level.
- The BJP has suffered due to internal friction among different groups that either existed for years or began with Modi's promotion to the leader-board. This raises the question if Narendra Modi will behave like one man army in power? Obviously its impossible for any individual to take care of a country without much support. Earlier We saw an annoyed Yediurappa falling away from party and he made his own party thus weakening his party in the south where it struggles to make an impact apart from Shivraj performing in one state. Lal Krishna Adwani is very well known for his anti Modi thoughts and his own dreams of leading the country one day. The party seems to be dealing with its stalwarts with different measuring tapes. What if these biggies decide to further bifurcate the unit and cause Modi to lose the much needed majority in Parliament? We as voters don't feel confident about BJP as a party. Its dwindling stand on issues like FDI and Jan-Lokpal have already done enough harm to the party image.
- Narendra Modi is known as aggressive leader and his recent remarks about international issues make him an instant hit in a country which lacks leaders with some back-bone. The way he puts NATION FIRST is the USP of brand Narendra Modi. But I can't forget that this fire-brand politician is still listed as negative character in some countries that deny him any visa. I can't and I won't compare him with any terrorist (who is most likely to be forbidden a visa) but I also don't want to see my Prime-Minister on some hit-list. The international community still sees Narendra Modi as a hardliner who could be dangerous for their social structure and I as a voter cant invest my valuable vote in such a doubtful character.

Narendra Modi since his coronation as BJP prime ministerial candidate has gained in popularity and there are no two ways about it. But the kind of politics he and his party are imposing on the voters is something that might not suit each and every voter. He has done some brilliant things in Gujarat but his real acid test is yet to be conducted. He is the bulldozing name that not only can destroy any opposition but can also create a havoc in his own surroundings as well. As a voter who puts India First I am still waiting for his view(apologies) for the riots. But as we all know Modi, he is not here to change his image and wants to ride a wave that according to me is slowly understanding him in and out very well.
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