Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Democracy And Party Politics

                                Democracy And Party Politics                                            

 I am not going to criticize democracy in any way when I say that the politics in democracy too have got its disadvantages. What I want to emphasize is the role of the political parties in a democracy that just becomes a puzzle for me to understand and get-on with.

 we have always been one of the worlds biggest democracies(at least for our population) and will always fever it that way. Having a different opinion is something that is not banned or restricted in India. To have that opinion and get it heard or addressed we have been involved in multiparty system in India. Through such a system one can find one or the other party relevant to his or her own ideas. We are lucky to have such a system in place. But are we really? 

What we have seen for over a couple of decades or so is a system that is more designed to facilitate the political parties in India than the common man(men).

These political   and pretend to be talking about everyone. They have tried to divide Indians on the basis of religion,cast,economic class and area. This way they have got easy free method of targeting potential voter in bulk and do not need to discuss anything on ground levels.
 Dividing the whole population in terms of cast, economics and gender and so on... makes it easy to address big numbers without being bothered about their individual interests.

These political parties in India (party) are so bent on their great philosophies that at times the country seems of no importance, forget about one's own thoughts about country and political science.
  Remember the incident? India making Nuclear Power Plants deal with US!
All (ruling non-ruling) political parties did that they could to uphold their party interests. Government bought and sold MPs like buying bananas. The opposing did the stings and all that. An incident that did not get much of attention was the suspension of Parliament Speaker from his own party just because the poor man decided to vote on the bases of his rational thinking and not on the basis of his party line(Knowing  that a speaker is independent of his party and need not to follow former parties line on every issue).
 All said and done, may be one could call it over exertion of issue. But can we live with such political system where the imaginary party lines are of utmost importance and there seems to be no room for free, rational, open minded policies. May be we need to remind these folks and ourselves that democracy was "By The People, For The People." We need to get the common man to the center of things and issues, let him decide his fate.
 The politics is needed to help him do so, not to stop him of doing so. There are too many clear as well as unclear thoughts in my mind about the subject and will be looking forward to your valued inputs. I shall be following it up with other articles. 

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